Thursday, June 4, 2009

Allah! Allah! Allah! In everywhere we look.

Dear friends.

Seated on an anonymous bus stop with my darling Aaron F., throwing around phrases like "existential crisis," "genital mutilation," and "shoegazer rock," i found myself overwhelmed by a sensation that has blessed me during these last few months: an deep and abiding love for my friends, both near and far.

Sentimental as it may seem, i hope that i can communicate the immeasurable love i have experienced and renewed in those around me. May the God of Creation remind me every day that His triune love is most evident in the vulnerability in which we so rarely allow ourselves to indulge.

Please sleep well, knowing that i am thinking of you and missing you all terribly. Give me your home address if i don't already have it, as i would love to elaborate on these affections in written form.

Also, Vonnegut readers should share some tips for appreciating Slaughter-House-Five, which i opened this afternoon.

Much, much, love. 
Amen and Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie!

    While I don't have much to say that is as insightful or well written as what you have posted, I would like to say hi!

    If you are in town, I would love to have coffee with you. :)

    And if you're off doing other things, I hope you have a wonderful summer!

    Mary Lou

    P.S. Vonnegut is one of my favorites! I haven't read Slaughter House, but if you like that I would definitely recommend Bluebeard or Galapagos, both of which I have and would love to lend you! Welcome to the Monkey House has some excellent short stories, too. Let me know how Slaughter House goes for you!
